Saturday, August 10, 2019

Amazing Story from wrestler Bobby Fulton about Ricky Morton

This amazing story was on wrestler Bobby Fulton's Facebook about 1/2 of the Rock and Roll Express Ricky Morton. 

Tonight I got goosebumps at the professional wrestling show, while in a candid conversation. After that photo was taken of Ricky Morton and I, a young man had came up and pulled a chair up. Ricky Morton happened to ask the young man if he believed in God, this was out of the blue. I have never heard Ricky talk like that before. The answer the young man gave Ricky, shocked Ricky and me. He answered, well no, actually I don't believe in a God. Ricky said that the young man ought to, as God is where Ricky's hope is. Ricky said, don't you hope you'll die one day and go to heaven. And I'm sitting there listening to this conversation, and Ricky then asks the young man, what if I'm right that there's a God, and I go to heaven and you go to hell, and then he proposes the theory that if the young man is right nothing happens. And then I said, listen, Ricky, if we are right, and we are, we have our hope in God that one day we will go to heaven, and this person would end up in hell, Bible says that hell is a place of torment, just like an old piece of charcoal our body will be, but we never just turn to ash, those who reject Christ will forever burn. And I told the guy, that I've known Ricky for almost 40 years, and we have never had a conversation like this, and I went on to ask if the young man had children, and he said no, but that he hopes to one day. I replied, there's that word hope, I added that one day possibly something may happen that to those children and you'll cry out, and perhaps to God. I said, today, was a divine meeting set up by God, something like this has never happened to me before, and perhaps never again, and I told the young man that I want him to remember this day and this conversation and he said that he would. It is better to believe in God and have hope for eternal life, than to have no hope at all.

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