Sunday, June 30, 2019

WNC New Segment "Best Independent Wrestlers In The Mid-South"

                                              Dakota Riley 

                                     photo credit Christy Harville 

Independent wrestling in the North Mississippi area are having great crowds.   EPW Wrestling in Booneville and the recent event Championship Wrestling at Tupelo Con are drawing fans from around all over the Mid-South area, so we at decided to take a look at who are the best independent  wrestlers in the area. 

  One thing independent wrestlers are often accused of is having no personality and relying mostly on spot fests to get themselves over. Dakota Riley is a big exception to this rule, given that he gives the fans their moneys worth.  It doesn't matter if Dakota works heel or baby he has matches the fan really appreciate.  Dakota is wrestling in Booneville on Saturday night and had a feud with The Hollywood Clique.  Dakota Riley is definitely one of the best independent wrestlers in the Mid-South area.  

If you think your favorite independent wrestler should be featured  "Best Independent Wrestler" in the Mid-South please feel free to email me at  

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