Friday, July 19, 2019

Locals to Legends Episode 144: Chris Styles

This week's guest is Chris Styles!  Chris is another young man like his younger brother Josh Matthews that's been around the wrestling business his entire life and broke in at a very young age.  Gene and Chris discuss a variety of topics about his wrestling career including having wrestled over 25 matches before the age of 16, breaking in as a referee, his first experience breaking out of the south wrestling for Chikara Pro many years ago and what it taught him, getting to work with Legends and heroes of his childhood, getting to work in front over 2,500 fans in his first match at the Oman Arena, the advice he received from Bert Prentice that changed his whole perspective on wrestling after being in the business for nearly 20 years, and what's next on his agenda after recently winning the USA Championship Wrestling tag team titles. Plus much more! CLICK THE PLAYER BELOW TO LISTEN AND CHECK OUT SOME OF THE MATCHES DISCUSSED ON THE SHOW.
(This episode is sponsored by the Retro Gaming Solution)

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