Monday, July 8, 2019

ProSouth & Twin States Wrestling join forces for MongrelMania: A benefit for Britt Jackson on 8/25

On Saturday night July 6th, "The Mongrel" Britt Jackson was injured due to a freak accident during a match which resulted in a torn meniscus and patella tendon which will cause him a loss of income while recovering from this injury. Britt and his wife Britney have two children (one a newborn) and could really use our help during this trying time in their lives.  ProSouth and Twin States Wrestling are putting together a benefit wrestling event to help raise money to help the family. Check back soon for more info on the event and if you would like to know how you can help support the cause please contact Ace Haven via Facebook or Gene Jackson via Facebook or by email at

 If you'd like to help out by making a direct donation to Britt and his family you can do so by going here BRITT JACKSON FUNDRAISER

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